Monday, December 5, 2011

Finals Week

Finals week is coming up, and I'm bummed that I have to take 2 weeks off of art to focus on my tests! Hopefully I will be able to take an hour or two this week to paint in order to keep myself sane. The amount of coffee I will consume this week is unreal. Christmas Break cannot come soon enough!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Project

I'm sure most of you are on Pinterest by now and if you aren't then get one ASAP! It is super addicting and will probably take up most of your time, but there are so many creative ideas posted on this site that I just can't resist! The other day I came across a project I want to make for my mom for christmas. I have seen these photo letters around town but they are SO expensive. I found a site that offers the letters for free, and there are hundreds to choose from. Once I found ones I liked, I followed the step-by-step directions on this blog! I think the final project is way more interesting than a boring black frame!!

The Girl in the Blue Glasses

A few months ago, my good friend Kelly Smith did a feature on me and a painting I was giving away! She did such a nice job and made me blush with all of her compliments. Check out this link and her entire blog for fun creative ideas, she has some really unique pieces!

Harry Potter Shoes

Introducing my pride and joy! These shoes have been selling like hot cakes these past few months, about 5 pairs a month! Show your Harry Potter pride and order a pair on my etsy site!